****CANADA BUYERS: Just a heads up, shipping is not cheap to Canada.

We will ship anywhere and do all our own in-house shipping to help cut costs. We charge actual shipping costs + $.95 shipping and handling fee per a package. SHIPPING CUSTOMERS: We will only ship to the address listed on file and will combine shipping. Lots 1-999 Sports, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Magic The Gathering & Other Trading Cards Weekly Consignment Auctions every Tuesday at 6 pm CST Everything We Sell Is Guaranteed To Be Authentic! (If you see anything questionable. $.95 Handling Fee Per A Package! (Not Per An Item) We Combine Shipping & Everything Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days! Live Bidding starts at 6 pm CST (4 pm PST, 5 pm MST, 7 pm EST)